Healing trauma on a cellular level
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NBP Certification Form
Neuro Bi-lateral Processing (NBP)™ is a technique registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
For the first time ever, Dr. Michiyo is offering an NBP Training and Certification program for psychologists, life coaches and other health related professionals.
Dr. Michiyo has a solution!
Her breakthrough trauma healing technique, called Neuro Bi-lateral Processing (NBP)™ is registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. It combines techniques from complex disciplines including yogic breathing, visualization, EFT “Tapping”, EMDR, and integrates the different parts of the brain.
This solution can help treat more people and can be performed by all types of healers, such as acupuncturists, holistic health practitioners and especially life coaches.
NBP is proven to be highly effective in helping people resolve traumatic memories, and Dr. Michiyo wants to empower other healing professionals to start using this powerful technique.
Dr. Michiyo’s NBP trauma healing method has been applied to several hundred patients, with a 99.9% success rate, and can be applied in person, or virtually.
What is Neuro Bi-lateral Processing (NBP)™?
Neuro Bi-lateral Processing (NBP)™ is Dr. Michiyo’s advanced trauma healing technique that engages different areas of the brain to efficiently process traumatic memories.
NBP combines techniques from complex disciplines including yogic breathing, visualization, EFT “Tapping”, EMDR, and integrating the different parts of the brain.
Dr. Michiyo has been using NBP in practice for the past 8 years to treat trauma and has a 99.9% success rate with her own clients.
NBP can change behavioral conditioning and limiting beliefs, such as:
“I’m inadequate,” “I’m not worthy,” and “I’m not lovable.”
Unlike some psychotherapy methods that take weeks or months to facilitate changes, this technique is quick and efficient.
How Does NBP Work?
NBP incorporates yogic breathing, visualization, EFT “Tapping”, and EMDR so that the client can relax and be brought down to the subconscious level.
Normally, our memories are resolved by the involvement of both the right and left sides of our brain. However, the memories of highly emotional situations (trauma) get “stuck” in limbic part of the right-side brain (which controls emotions and survival responses and remain subconscious) and they don’t get the benefit of the left-brain’s rational and logical processing functions.
Neuro Bi-lateral Processing (NBP)™ stimulates the different parts of the brain and allows the disturbing, subconscious memory to be processed, and it is finally resolved rationally.
Benefits of NBP Certification
- Learn to apply a unique, effective healing technique
- Increase your income
- Make a difference in the world
- Help your clients remove blockages to success
- Help your clients overcome limiting beliefs and stop sabotaging behaviors
- Add a new certification to your services
NBP Certification for Healers

Distinguish yourself from your competitors
Become certified in Dr. Michiyo’s Neuro Bi-lateral Processing (NBP)™ technique so you can start helping your clients heal their trauma and breakthrough their limiting beliefs and stop sabotaging behaviors as a Wholeness Coach.

Deepen your offerings as a life coach, holistic healer, or practitioner and distinguish yourself.
Wholeness Coaches work with people to recognize and remove roadblocks and limiting beliefs, achieve goals and dreams, understand their true being, and navigate their lives with more conscious choices.
Dr. Michiyo has been using NBP in practice for the past 8 years to treat trauma
and has a 99.9% success rate with her own clients.
Who can get certified in Neuro Bi-lateral Processing (NBP)?
NBP training is being offered for the first time to life coaches and holistic healers who are already trained or certified in their area of expertise.
Dr. Michiyo welcomes anyone who currently practices healing to become NBP certified through her training.

Why get certified?
Stress, anxiety, and depression are at an all time high. The number of people in need greatly outnumbers the available psychotherapists and mental health practitioners who are certified to perform EMDR and other clinical treatments. Average wait times for people seeking can be up to 6 months.
It can take 6 years to obtain a license to practice psychotherapy with a master’s degree and 10 years with a Ph.D.
NBP Certification can be accomplished in only 10 weeks’ time. Set yourself apart from your competitors and learn to apply this unique trauma healing technique to help your clients reach their fullest potential.
Benefits of NBP Certification
- Learn to apply a unique, effective healing technique
- Increase your income
- Make a difference in the world
- Help your clients remove blockages to success
- Help your clients overcome limiting beliefs and stop sabotaging behaviors
- Add a new certification to your services

Course Curriculum
- Learn how to identify trauma
- Learn to triage and identify potential clients through discovery/assessment sessions
- Breakout practice sessions with partners
- Learn technique components such as Pranayama (yogic breathing) and visualization exercises
- Learn to lead clients through a full NBP treatment session
- After-care and post treatment recovery process
Get certified in Neuro Bi-lateral Processing (NBP)™
Sign Up for one of Dr. Michiyo’s Group Discussions or Workshops
Heal Your Trauma with NBP

Are You Carrying Painful Memories?
Dr. Michiyo’s groundbreaking Neuro Bi-lateral Processing (NBP)™ technique can help you to finally break free from the stifling weight of painful memories and emotions.
Trauma and painful experiences happen to all of us. Dr. Michiyo’s groundbreaking Neuro Bi-lateral Processing (NBP) technique can help you to finally break free from the stifling weight of painful memories and emotions.
- Auto accident
- Loss of a loved one
- Childbirth and surgery
- Job loss or financial loss
- Witness to violence
- A broken relationship
These are just some of the common painful experiences we encounter over the course of our lives. Even if a person is not conscious during the event, it can be a very traumatic experience. Childhood trauma is also very common and can stem from abuse, disturbing events or even overhearing parents argue or fight.
Sometimes, we are all-too aware of the unhealed parts of ourselves related to the pain we experienced, yet other times we may not even fully see how their impact touches every aspect of our lives.
NBP breaks through the way our brains store painful memories and enables us to finally process and heal them.
How does trauma affect people?
Traumatic experiences can create emotional “blocks” that prevent growth and development. People can get stuck, develop self-sabotaging behavior and limit their ability to live a happy and successful life.
Trauma experiences are unique because noticeable physical or mental symptoms can appear 10, 20, 30 or 40 years after the original experience occurs.
Trauma can reveal itself as symptoms such as anxiety, depression, or nightmares. Fatigue, lack of focus or drive and general malaise are all common symptoms of unhealed trauma wounds.
Why is healing trauma important?
If gone untreated, trauma can affect the vital functioning part of the brain (the brain stem) and lead to auto-immune system-related diseases like migraines, diabetic conditions, endometriosis, and a variety of different illnesses including cancer and dementia.
Most people do not connect the symptoms they are experiencing to their trauma; therefore, they seek treatments from medical doctors for their symptoms.
After exhausting all other options, they may be advised to seek the help of a licensed therapist who has solid training in trauma healing.
“When a person experiences a highly painful emotional incident,
the memory stays in the deeper, subconscious parts of the brain and is crystallized with the emotion experienced at the time.
The reactive thoughts and accompanying behavior create disturbances that can turn into limiting beliefs and behavioral patterns.”
Work with Dr. Michiyo to release negative emotions and resolve your limiting beliefs.
Work with Dr. Michiyo to release negative emotions and resolve your limiting beliefs.
The Effects of Trauma

Image Credit: Dr. Daniel Amen These are scanned pictures of the brain – one not traumatized and the other traumatized. The red color indicates areas of high function and activity. The blue and black areas indicate low brain activity, clearly indicating that trauma experiences can change our brain structures.
PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) is the diagnostic term for the effects of trauma experiences.
When people think of PTSD, they most commonly think of soldiers returning from deployment, but everyone experiences trauma.
Trauma is any kind of emotionally charged incident which can include automobile and other kinds of accidents, bullying, abuse of any kind, and loss of something or someone important (loved one, health, large amounts money, jobs, homes, miscarriages, or even pets).
In the case of children, those experiencing bullying, hearing or witnessing parental arguments and fights can suffer from PTSD.
As you can see in the brain scan above, these emotions affect your body, which is a clear indication of why they show up as so many illnesses, both physically and mentally.

Many people tend to live with these difficulties by suppressing, ignoring, or self-medicating with drugs, alcohol, and other forms of addiction such as pornography watching, gambling, or computer games.
In many cases, people living with these difficulties feel as though this is a normal state of being or simply do not know how they can resolve their difficulties. Therefore, a lot of people are living their lives at less than their full potential, less vitality, less enjoyment, and less happiness.
If gone untreated, trauma can affect the vital functioning part of the brain (the brain stem) and lead to auto-immune system related diseases like migraines, diabetic conditions, endometriosis, and a variety of different illnesses including cancer and eventually, dementia.
Unfortunately, the most severe cases of untreated PTSD/Trauma can result in suicide. Sadly, there are on average, 130 cases of suicide each day*.
If you know someone who is suffering, help is available, 24/7.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255
*Statistics obtained from the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, https://afsp.org/suicide-statistics/
What’s unique about PTSD/Trauma is that noticeable symptoms do not show up right away, although subconscious limiting beliefs develop immediately and influence a person’s life negatively.
Ten, twenty or thirty years may pass before more severe symptoms are noticed. Nightmares, depression, anxiety, and insomnia can impact and influence a person’s work performance, cause relationship break-ups or job loss.
Even then, most people don’t do anything about their symptoms or don’t know where to get help.
People do not make connections between what’s happening today and what happened in their past and waste many years searching for the cause and finally finding a licensed trauma therapist.
Three Tiers of Symptoms
Painful emotional experiences or traumas can show up in the form of physical or mental difficulties. These symptoms have been categorized into three tiers to help you understand how Neuro Bi-lateral Processing (NBP)™ is utilized based on different severities of symptoms.
This tier categorizes lower degrees of PTSD/trauma. A client showing these symptoms would make a good candidate for the introduction of NBP by a life coach.
- Limiting beliefs
- Thoughts like “I’m not good enough, I’m not worthy, I’m not confident”, or loss of sense of who they are
- Headaches (including migraine headaches)
- Loss of appetite
- Decreased energy
- Decreased motivation, ambition, or drive
- Decreased self esteem
- Weight loss or gain
- Procrastination
- Emotional overwhelm
- Irritability
- Relationship troubles
- Difficulty Concentrating
- Forgetfulness
- Overwhelm
- Difficulty waking up in the morning
- Fearfulness
- Sadness
This tier categorizes medium degrees of PTSD/trauma. A client showing these symptoms would make a good candidate for the introduction of NBP by a life coach.
- Chronic pain
- Sleep disturbances, insomnia, or nightmares/flashbacks
- Moderate depression
- Moderate anxiety
- Numbing
- Substance use/abuse
- Shame
- Guilt
- No memory
- Mistrust
This tier categorizes heavy degrees of PTSD/trauma. Clients experiencing these symptoms need to seek treatment from a licensed therapist or psychiatrist.
- Severe depression
- Severe anxiety
- Suicidal thoughts
- Symptoms resulting from sexual abuse or assault
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
- Phobias

Client Testimonials
Hear what Dr. Michiyo’s clients have to say about Neuro Bi-lateral Processing (NBP)
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15 min Consultation Form
*Free consultations are the first, 15-minute introductory phone call with Dr Michiyo.
Full-length therapy or life coaching sessions are subject to charge. If you are using insurance, billing is dependent on carrier rates including deductibles.
Please discuss your insurance questions with Dr Michiyo or contact your insurance provider directly.